Saturday, September 3, 2011

Doing What I Can

I received a book from a friend recently.
She Did What She Could: Five Words of Jesus That Will Change Your Life  -     
        By: Elisa Morgan

After reading several chapters I needed to get on with the day and pondered, 'so what can I do?' while tackling household chores. Ah ha, I could walk to raise funds for a project in Nepal.

Though I cannot join my husband in his travels with a medical team ministering to disabled and disenfranchised/marginalized people in Asia, I can walk to raise funds for disabled and marginalized individuals in Nepal.

I will participate in a 5 km walk on Sept 24 in support of a building project sponsored by Samaritans Purse and Centre Street Church:

5 km may not seem like much but walking pain free is a blessing and a joy because 2 1/2 years ago I could not walk around the block without pain or without aides. This walk will also be a thank offering to God for restoring my ability to walk.

I would be delighted to have you sponsor me while I do what I can in support of people less fortunate than I.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Great thank offering mom