Recently, while out on errands, I passed a Starbucks and thought,
"hmmm, a coffee about now would be nice".
Then I remembered I had chosen to go off coffee
while seeking God's guidance in a particular matter.
The designated time of my fast had not yet been fulfilled.
I passed Starbucks, with a longing sigh.
I'm not addicted to coffee; however,
this incident made me acutely aware
how easy it is to slip into Starbucks,
Tim Horton's, or some other coffee shop,
for an emotional fix...
something I've been doing with increasing regularity.
It also made me wonder if I slip into God's presence
for a spiritual fix
as easily as I slip into a coffee shop.
My original fast period has now expired
but I've decided to continue denying myself
the comfort of coffee through Lent
as a reminder of the sacrifice Jesus made
when He willingly chose self denial of heaven
and all it's comforts, luxuries, and glories,
to share a season of His existence with us,
so we might might one day share with Him
in the joys of Heaven.
My temporary self denial of coffee
seems pretty insignificant in comparison.
"hmmm, a coffee about now would be nice".
Then I remembered I had chosen to go off coffee
while seeking God's guidance in a particular matter.
The designated time of my fast had not yet been fulfilled.
I passed Starbucks, with a longing sigh.
I'm not addicted to coffee; however,
this incident made me acutely aware
how easy it is to slip into Starbucks,
Tim Horton's, or some other coffee shop,
for an emotional fix...
something I've been doing with increasing regularity.
It also made me wonder if I slip into God's presence
for a spiritual fix
as easily as I slip into a coffee shop.
My original fast period has now expired
but I've decided to continue denying myself
the comfort of coffee through Lent
as a reminder of the sacrifice Jesus made
when He willingly chose self denial of heaven
and all it's comforts, luxuries, and glories,
to share a season of His existence with us,
so we might might one day share with Him
in the joys of Heaven.
My temporary self denial of coffee
seems pretty insignificant in comparison.