Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year Resolutions - Bah Hum Bug

Best I can tell, those who make them
Break them before the year is done,
Sometimes before the first month is past.

What we do and who we are begins with how we think.
If we want something to change,
we must first change the way we think,
about it and about ourselves.

I have discovered that old habits die hard;
they hang around in the corners of our lives
waiting for a weak moment in our resolve
to reclaim their spot.
Second time around
They dig their roots in deeper,
Being aware their status could be challenged.

The following are some comments from FB friends about the topic:
Gael: We take memories from the year we leave behind
           We make footprints in the year we enter.

Ken:   Do what you have always done if it seems to work fine.
           If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

(People who make NYR usually do so because something they are doing, or not doing, isn’t working to their liking. Something IS broken. But is NYR the answer?)

Robin: Hopes and goals are good.
            Some we can control;
            Many we cannot.

Min:    I often feel like a failure with NYR.

(I think she has hit bull’s eye. 
The problem with NYR is our inability to keep them which in turn brings on Failure syndrome. We need encouragement and success to keep moving forward.)

Gordon: We haven’t made NYR for many years, though once did.
                Instead, we adopt a theme for the year.

I really like this concept.
My theme for 2011 = downsizing and de cluttering

Ron & Grace:  planning with flexibility.

            Linda & Rosella shared the concept:
            Leave it in God’s hands and see what He has planned for you”.         
I’ve learned to write goals, in sand, coated with prayer.
At the end of each year I review them.
It’s exciting to check off those I’ve accomplished.
Unachieved goals are re-evaluated and usually moved forward to the New Year
Or replaced with new ones based on changed life circumstances.

I really like what Dawn Wilson said in her LOL Blog on this topic:

As an adult, I’ve come to realize it’s not about “New Year’s resolutions,” but rather the well-thought-out goals that we will strategize to achieve as we discipline our lives and listen for the whispers of God.

It’s about focus and faithfulness.

I’ve also realized that our New Year will be just about what we expect it to be. Oh, there will be unexpected challenges, but we will have the opportunity to face anything in life with the presence and power of God, and choose our attitudes. We will have the opportunity to make decisions that will take our lives down new avenues, perhaps. We will have the opportunity to put our hand in God’s and walk courageously with Him through each new day.

So, beyond midnight means “opportunity” ~ Are you ready for the opportunities God will bring into your life this year?

 “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him” (1 Corinthians 2:9).

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