Sunday, May 30, 2010


What if Life really is simple?

What if an attitude of gratitude
   could totally change your life,
      for the better?

What if saying 'Thank You'
   for what you have
      is a pathway leading towards
         what you need and want?

What if 'Thank You' is the key
   to unlock doors
      for a happier, healthier,
        more satisfying, fulfilling life?

What if 'Thank You' is the tool
   to break chains
      that have bound you
         for too long?

What if?

What will you lose
   by saying 'Thank You'?

What if it doesn't work?
   doesn't change a thing?

What if it does work?
   and changes everything,
      for the better?

Can you afford the risk?

Can you afford not to take the risk?

"Whatever happens, keep thanking God because of Jesus Christ. This is what God wants you to do."   I Thessalonians 5:18


Bonnie said...

Well written, Charlotte!

Bonnie said...

2nd try to post a comment! Wanted to say I enjoyed your challenge and trust it will bless many! Cheers!